Archive for the Nature Category

Viretta Park Repair ~ Come As You Are, Nirvana fans

Posted in Check It Out, Kurt Cobain, KurtCobain, Life, Music, My Travels, Nature, Nirvana, Personal, Viretta Park, World, Youth on February 14, 2011 by taraden

February 20th marks the birth date of former Nirvana singer/songwriter Kurt Cobain. He would be turning 44 if he were still alive.

I recently was made aware of an event that is happening at Viretta Park, a small park that is located beside the former home of Kurt Cobain and the location of where his death took place.  Many fans travel to Viretta Park to pay their respects to Kurt, leaving messages on the park benches, along with flowers, candles and other mementos.  I have visited the park many times and have always wondered why there is not something more. Something to honor a man who is still to this day loved greatly, all around the world.

Well, now there is……

Daniel Johnson, has been organizing a “Viretta Park Repair” which aims to ecologically restore and repair the park for residents living in the surrounding area and to create a memorial for fans to visit, remember and celebrate the life of Kurt Cobain and the music of Nirvana.

The very first “Viretta Park Repair” work party will be held February 20th, 2011 from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Daniel is looking for people to come volunteer and assist in the removal of invasive plant species that have taken over many areas of the park and to collaborate  ideas on what types of plants people would like to see as well as come up with ideas for a memorial for Kurt.

PLEASE, if you are in the Seattle or surrounding area, come out and show your support and help make Kurt’s Park a special place.

You can RSVP to this event by contacting Daniel Johnson at 206.369.2661 or by email at


I can’t wait to meet you there!

The Loop & Swap

Posted in Bugs, Environment, Home, Life, Me, My Travels, Nature, Observations, Personal, Ramblings, Random Thoughts, World, Youth on May 23, 2007 by taraden

This past weekend was a long weekend in Canada…. it was Victoria Day. We drove to Kamloops and spent the weekend there. Neil, my bf, has a couple of friends who live there so we were able to stay with them. They have two kids…. Kayla and Austin, who seemed to be fascinated with Lukas… our little son.



We also went to Shuswap Lake. Neil’s friends parents have a house there, so we spent Saturday night on the Shuswap. It’s so nice there! The houses are cheap. A lot cheaper than here in the lower mainland.


The only bad part of the whole trip was seeing the devastation that Mountain Pine Beetle has created. There are so many dead trees…. it’s really a serious problem. When we were first driving into town we could see all the trees that had turned a red/orange colour… my first thought was that they must be affected by the beetle…. and sure enough. It’s quite sad.

We are thinking of possibly moving to Kamloops in the future. The real estate prices are far cheaper than anything you could find here in Vancouver. Maybe one day I will actually have the pleasure of owning my own home!

Recycle Me This…

Posted in Environment, Glitches, Home, Life, Nature, Observations, Politics, Ramblings, Random Thoughts, Rants, World on May 14, 2007 by taraden

In this day and age with “global warming” and the state of the environment…. you would think that our community would support recycling. Well not the City of Port Coquitlam.

We live in a townhouse complex that has absolutely no recycling program. I called City Hall’s Engineering and Operations Department to find out about getting a recycling container for our unit. The lady that lives next door to us has one that she leaves outside her unit, so I figured that it wouldn’t be a problem. Occasionally I put some newspapers in her container… but I don’t want to keep using hers as once they are full thats it… the city will not take any extra… so I don’t want to fill her container up.. that just wouldn’t be fair to her. City Hall informed me that they do not supply containers and pick up from most townhouses. I told them that one of the tenants in another unit has a bin and gets hers picked up every week… so they told me to talk to the landlord. But they also informed me that I would most likely not be able to get one. When I called the landlord he told me that he does not know how she got her container but would call to see if he could get a container for us. I have not heard back from him… so I am assuming it didn’t go over to well.

I don’t understand. Wouldn’t the City of Port Coquitlam want the residents to recycle? Do they not give a shit about the environment? Would they rather I throw all of my garbage into our dumpster? I can’t believe that I am having such a problem trying to get a recycling container and pick up service where the service already exists…. I have even offered to pay for one and still no luck. This goes to show that much more awareness is needed when it comes to protecting our planet.

And Introducing…..

Posted in Blogging, Home, Life, Me, My Travels, Nature, Observations, Random Thoughts, Youth on February 24, 2007 by taraden

Things around here…. at this blog… have been very quiet lately.  A small post here and there…. but still, pretty freakin quiet.  I think this might just be due to the fact that 3 days ago…. I was off having a baby!

I know this is not my “pregnant blog” but he’s just too damn irresistible not to show off.  Sooooo…..


This is Lukas William Wells, who was born on the 21st of February at 4:39 pm.  At birth, he weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces and was 21 1/4 inches long.  He is such a sweetheart!

So there!  Sorry….. had to do it!

The World Islands…

Posted in Environment, Home, Life, Me, Nature, Observations, World on January 28, 2007 by taraden

All I can say is….. WOW. Now all I need is $7 million U.S. and you can bet your bottom dollar I would snaffoo me one of these…

These are The World Islands, located off the coast of Dubai. They will consist of 300 private artificial islands that are divided into four categories….

  • private homes
  • estate homes
  • dream resorts
  • and community islands

After dealing with the Costco parking lot this afternoon, all I can say is Yes, Please!!! 😀


Posted in Environment, Home, Life, Nature, Observations, Ramblings, Random Thoughts, Rants, Weather on January 10, 2007 by taraden


The westcoast of Canada certainly has seen some interesting weather in the last couple of months, and today being no exeption.  We awoke to over 5 inches of snow this morning.  Making the morning commute for many drivers complete chaos.  If it’s not snow then its wind.  Yesterday and last night there were more high winds that hit Stanley Park, causing more damage and fallen trees.  There were even reports of a jogger being grazed by a falling tree while jogging along the seawall.  All I have to say to that is “good… serves you right.”  I am sick and tired of hearing of these people who can’t seem to follow the rules, or listen to warnings and then find themselves in situations such as this.  It is simply their own damn fault.  As for the snow…. I think it is beautiful, and hope that it stays around for awhile.  If everyone just slows down a bit on the roads and actually pays attention to their driving everything will be okay.